Consistency is key.

“We are what we do repeatedly. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit” – Some book. Read by some guy on YouTube.

In order to do things, to live life to the full, to move forward. We need to do just that, move forward. Little by little, day by day. “We are what we do.”, “Repeatedly.”, these are some of the simplest and most thought-provoking words I have ever read.

Whatever you want to do with your life. Break down the biggest part of it into little, habit-like tasks that you can do daily. Here are some that I am currently doing.

Learn Norwegian – 1 or 2 Duolingo lessons per day.

Run like a champ – Aside from my cycling and weight training every now and then, I run pretty much every day. Even if it is just one kilometer.

Read more books – A couple of pages each day, either in the morning or just before bed.

Learn to Code – I aim to do a couple of lessons per day with FreeCodeCamp (working my way towards becoming a Frontend Developer).

Blog more – aside from this last four weeks I usually aim to push out a blog at least once a week, why? I want to practice writing, sharing and communicating and you should too! Start your blog today.

Design – this one is a new one. I plan to design or create something daily. No need to spend hours doing so, just find something simple online and recreate it. Will start this tomorrow. I think I will start practicing my illustration techniques 🙂

It doesn’t help if we climb halfway up the mountain in a day and remain there. It is far better to climb it one step at a time daily but reach the top.

Side note, if you can sprint up the mountain and stay there, well, then.. Well done!


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